Has memory recorded somewhere the memory of this undulating epic when, breathless, by the tangent, he dared this first kiss.
Cette installation, d'abord effectuée à Bozar ensuite au Château de La Hulpe, invite les donateurs à participer de manière collective en acquérant chacun un exemplaire de gamète numéroté. Chaque pièce en verre est unique, réalisée à la main et soufflée dans la grande tradition du verre de Murano. Fécondation in vitro.
Cette installation composée de l'ensemble des spermatozoïdes acquis par les donateurs finance la recherche médicale et exprime symboliquement la complicité entre les mécènes du Fonds Erasme et les chercheurs de la Clinique de la Fertilité.
In a dialogue with the architecture of Victor Horta at Bozar, several hundred spermatozoa in Murano glass move, frolic and undulate in a long, sinuous flow in a desperate search for a potential life, a fertile encounter. One and only one will be the promise of a birth. This work, first installed at Bozar and then at the Château de La Hulpe, invites donors to participate collectively by each acquiring a numbered gamete. Each glass piece is unique, handmade and blown in the great tradition of Murano glass. In vitro fertilization. This installation composed of all the spermatozoa acquired by the donors finances medical research and symbolically expresses the complicity between the patrons of the Erasme Fund and the researchers of the Fertility Clinic.
Blown Murano glass / Opalescent white.
Installation : 4 x 8 m.
Spermatozoïd : L 50-55 cm. Scale : 10 000 / 1.
Fonds Erasme / Limited edition.
Jean-François D'Or.
Contact us to get price / Available / Disponible.
Murano chandelier revisited, suspended, these gametes seem lighter than air. At the slightest breeze, they twist, oscillate, tinkling to the frail sound of a delicate chime. They move inexorably towards the light that attracts and reveals them.
A macro photographic work magnifying the opaline glass offers an ambiguity on their dimension. Indeed, these gametes blown in Murano glass are 55 cm long, they are enlarged 10,000 times. On this scale, their owner would measure 18 km, his erectile penis, about 1.8 km. The real reproductive cells that are the spermatozoa measure about 55 micrometers and are observed in the laboratory using an electron microscope.
As a metaphor for the singularity of life, the fragility and delicacy of Murano glass lent themselves wonderfully to it. In vitro fertilization. Each piece was blown in the great tradition of Murano glass. These gametes are stretched to their extreme fragility. Each piece is unique. The challenge was to try to make this inanimate matter alive, organic.
The installation is made up of several hundred spermatozoa. Donors participate collectively by each acquiring a certified and numbered copy in Murano glass. A unique object, symbolically highlighted by a streak of light.
There are between 200 and 500 million spermatozoa parachuted at a speed of about 50 km/h. On their scale, the distance they have to travel is equivalent to the journey from Earth to the Moon, an epic. They need about 800 flagellum strokes to advance 10 mm. Even if many of them get lost, their flagellum is said to have an antenna that allows them to orient themselves towards the oocyte transmitter. In the vicinity of the ovum, there are only about 200 of them left. It is this leading group that was materialized in this quantum that is this installation La Rencontre, a moment of frantic research that precedes fertilization.
Pictures © Stéphanie Derouaux © Bozar © Château de la Hulpe © Loudordesign studio.
For my part, I only half remember this moment of gamete life, the first space conquest. I remember tripping over my flagellum, before pulling myself together and grabbing the dizzy prize of life.
Blown Murano glass / Opalescent white.
Installation : 4 x 8 m.
Spermatozoïd : L 50-55 cm. Scale : 10 000 / 1.
Fonds Erasme / Limited edition.
Jean-François D'Or.
Contact us to get price / Available / Disponible.