In reference to the Christopher Columbus anecdote expressed below, an unusual egg can only remain upright when perched on one of the edges of its base, where a magnet is subtly concealed. Precarious stability, an ode to daring. In the face of this affront of imbalance and uncertainty, the object provokes interaction and dialogue.
Through its form, symbolism, essence and finish, the object suggests a sensitive tactile approach.
Solid wenge egg / Solid padouk base / Inserted magnets.
60 x 60 x H 180 mm.
Fonds Erasme / Limited edition / 200 exemplary.
Jean-François D'Or.
Contact us to get prices and delivery time.
Part of CID Grand-Hornu Museum collection.
Pictures © Evariste Bellow © Julien Renault © Loudordesign studio.
During a meal in the presence of Christopher Columbus, some notables would have liked to play down the importance of the discovery of the New World by saying : " All you had to do was think about it ". In response to this provocation, the explorer proposed a challenge to his guests. He asked them to make a hard-boiled egg stand upright in its shell.
No one succeeded, except Christopher Columbus, who simply crushed the end of the egg and exclaimed: " All you had to do was think about it ". You never go as far as you do when you don't know where you're going.
Christophe Colomb.
Rendre hommage aux audacieux et nombreux chercheurs de l’hôpital Universitaire de Bruxelles Erasme, voici la raison même de cet objet symbolique. Les fonds récoltés grâce à ces objets financent directement les recherches de ces scientifiques. Merci de votre générosité et soutien.
Faire un don et acquérir cet objet / Merci de votre générosité et soutien.
Le chercheur, tous domaines confondus, s’investit dans un projet qui n’a de sens que s’il est audacieux, et donc sujet au doute sur son aboutissement. Il lui faut affronter l’inconnu et l’issue incertaine de ses explorations.
L’audace, c’est oser se pencher. C’est aussi oser reculer pour mieux sauter. Remettre en cause les évidences, quitter les sentiers battus, risquer un incertain azimut, sortir de sa zone de confort, tenter sa chance, même faible, collectionner les fausses routes, compter les échecs. Trébucher offre d’être forcé de s’arrêter et de voir ce qu'il y a sous le pavé.
L'audace est la fille téméraire de la raison.
Christopher Columbus.
Paying homage to the bold and numerous researchers at the Erasme University hospital of Brussels, this is the very reason for this symbolic object. The funds raised through these objects directly finance the research of these scientists. Thank you for your generosity and support.
Make a donation and acquire this object / Thank you for your generosity and support.
The researcher, in all fields combined, invests in a project which only makes sense if it is daring, and therefore subject to doubt about its outcome. He must face the unknown and the uncertain outcome of his explorations.
Audacity is daring to lean in. It’s also daring to step back to jump better. Question the obvious, leave the beaten track, risk an uncertain direction, leave your comfort zone, try your luck, even if weak, collect wrong paths, count the failures. Stumbling offers being forced to stop and see what is under the pavement. Audacity is the reckless daughter of reason.
Nom féminin. Latin audacia, de audere : Oser.
Hardiesse qui ne connaît ni obstacle ni limite, courage.
Attitude de quelqu'un qui méprise les limites imposées par les convenances.
Impertinence, insolence : Avoir l'audace.
Effronterie, irrévérence, témérité, aplomb, toupet, impudence, impétueux, entreprendre, culot.
Citons Honoré de Balzac : " On ne fait pas d’omelette sans casser des oeufs ".
Audacity / Feminine noun. Latin audacia, from audere : To dare. Boldness that knows neither obstacle nor limit, courage. Attitude of someone who disregards the limits imposed by convention. Impertinence, insolence : Having audacity. Effrontery, irreverence, temerity, aplomb, sass, impudence, impetuous, enterprising, nerve.
Let's quote Honoré de Balzac : " You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs."
Unconsciousness sometimes has audacity that wisdom has no power to repress.
Gilles Lamer.
We were on an incursion into the empire of the mad. It's a world I've always felt dizzy in.
I have often stood in unstable balance on the edge of abysses.
Paul Eluard.
Merci de votre générosité et soutien / Faire un don et acquérir cet objet.
Since 1982, the Fonds Erasme has been stimulating research and contributing to the advancement of medicine in the various departments of the Brussels Erasme University Hospital. Thanks to the support of donors and testators of the Erasme Fund, more than 500 researchers have already obtained funding to dare to be bold in their research.
Thank you for your generosity and support / Make a donation and acquire this object.