TALKTALK / Outdoor furniture
by Domani, Paul Fastré & JF D'Or

Talk talk is a furniture inspired by the causeuse, promoting discussion. 
This zinc outdoor collection allows many combinations.

Material /
Zinc / Winter resistant / Outdoor fabric covering

Dimension /
Large bookcase low table 198 x 66 x H44 cm
Small bookcase low table 66 x 66 x H44 cm
Sofa corner 66 x 66 x H66 cm
Sofa mono 66 x 66 x H66 cm
Sofa duo 118 x 66 x H66 cm

Design /
Domani, Paul Fastré and Jean-François D'Or

Edition /
Domani / Produced and distributed by Domani

Price /

Contact us to get prices and delivery time.

Pictures © Koen de Waal © Domani.

This seemed obvious and an extremely simple gesture. Starting from Domani's cubic tree pot, knock down one side to slide a cushion into it. The chair was ready. The range is offered in the same state of mind.


Cela apparu comme une évidence et un geste d'une extrême simplicité. Partant du pot cubique de Domani, y faire tomber une parois afin d'y glisser un coussin. Le fauteuil était prêt. La gamme s'est proposée dans le même état d'esprit.



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